Friday, December 04, 2009

Internet Time-Machine

Let's revisit an old list that I had posted almost three years ago:

My new year's resolutions remain constant since they always remain unaccomplished:

1. Exercise daily.
2. Become Vegetarian (or Seafarian? I still like to eat the ocean animals.)
3. Attend another college other than Mt. Sac.
4. Move out.
5. Spend less.
6. Sew for $$$.
7. Walk my own dog more often.
8. Avoid chocolate for at least five days. C'MON!
9. Maintain a consistent sketchbook.
10. Call people back more. I MEAN C'MON!

So, in light of three years passing, what has changed exactly?

1. Exercise daily.

This is an on-again off-again thing. Earlier this summer I was running an average of 3 miles a day and doing 45 mile bike rides. Now? I eat bowls of curry and pass out on my floor.
2. Become Vegetarian (or Seafarian? I still like to eat the ocean animals.)
NOPE. My love for meat is as romantic as a Jennifer Aniston movie.
3. Attend another college other than Mt. Sac.
I graduate from CalArts in less than TWO WEEKS! Now onto a gaping debt and forever graphic designing!
4. Move out.
Currently live in Valencia, CA. Soul is still somewhat intact despite looming corporate conglomerates on every peach-colored stuccoed corner.
5. Spend less.
This is only partially achieved considering that I never have any money to spend.
6. Sew for $$$.
Working on this. I'd probably make more if I just exchanged $$$ for 8==D
7. Walk my own dog more often.
Hester died two years ago so here's to bringing back painful memories!
8. Avoid chocolate for at least five days. C'MON!
Dumb list item.
9. Maintain a consistent sketchbook.
NOPE. But I'm always sitting in front of a computer meddling with things in either InDesign or Illustrator. If that counts for any "creativity-massage."
10. Call people back more. I MEAN C'MON!
LOLZ. 'Riding a unicorn everyday' would've been a more achievable goal.