Monday, October 29, 2007

signed, sealed, kinda delivered?

I always have this sudden influx of anxiety whenever I have to sort out the things I'll put into an application portfolio. Schools always ask for your best work to display-- when all you really want to do is bring in a trash bag of all your shit and just have the admissions council pick out the ones they like. Because seriously-- for the $75 application fee, they might as well give you a piggy-back ride to the admission office.

I spent most of my day today scanning, photographing, and spending loads of cash on slides ($50 total for 17 digital to print slides! That was a nice pair of shoes or a boatload of fabric I didn't need, but totally could've purchased!) Still waiting for another letter of recommendation and transcript requests. I'm always waiting around for these things.

While digging around for portfolio info, I came across an unfinished application to RISD circa 2005. Holding the dog-eared paper in my hands, I immediately recalled the feelings of doubt, intimidation, and full blown insecurity I felt while trying to somewhat intelligently answer it's harrowing questions.

'Please outline your future goals and expectations within the framework of your chosen major. What do you expect of yourself within the next four years?'

No more living at home with elderly people.


Blogger Annie Wang said...

Dude you have nothing to worry about. You are soo soosoososososo talented, like when I think about you it kind of makes me want to barf and stab myself for being not worthy.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Annie Wang said...

if we don't tell the 18 year olds how old we are then maybe we'll get out of getting beer for them. i mean we could pass for 19 right? RIGHT?

2:02 PM  

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