Monday, September 03, 2007

Dear Mr. Ass-of-a-website; Please kiss mine.

I just finished over 35+ hours of sitting in front of this machine working with people in India on a website about airplane maintenance. Whenever I get stressed working on projects, managing people/info and the like, my brain tends to shut down in terms of 'relaxation.' I spent most of my free time last night (see also: sleeping) fervently playing Katamari Damacy on PSP while awaiting a response from the people overseas. At one point one of the guys named Naresh jokingly Im'ed me with, "You sleep do you not?"

I replied that I black out from time to time (but really, I just find myself playing hand-held vidogames.)

Last night was Brian's (aka The only 6ft/Ripped Filipino In Existence) birthday. I met up with the group at Jumbo's Clown Room in LA. A place that seems to theme itself snugly in-between dive bar/cabaret for scene kids. I watched a girl strip down to her underwear and pole dance (or was it interpretive dance?) to Bjork. Who thinks of these things and gets away with them? I usually get disappointed when I see women dancing for dollar bills, but this one girl was going BATSHIT on that pole to music I usually drive to. (Though I would prefer a small tip hat or jar in front of her performance as opposed to having her crawl around on stage collecting bills; she seemed like more of a Cirque de Solei acrobat than an actual caberet dancer. Perhaps if they were just covered in body spandex? Why is that always my solution to things?!)

It was nice seeing everyone in a group that I only seem to hang out with when there's a birthday. The other day, I drove my mom to a funeral where I met up with another group of old friends that I only seem to hang out with when there's a funeral. Weird.

I need more of 'every day/nothing special/nobody died' friends.


Blogger Annie Wang said...

You have no idea how excited I am that YOU have a blog! Dude, that girl who stripped down to her underwear and danced to Bjork sounds actually like something my friend Dagmar would do. OH crazy youth. Dude seriously, portfolio bee. Screw quilting bees, it's all about drawing and crying into our acrylics.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Annie Wang said...

p.s. have you noticed that the admissions person from calarts is a total bitch? or is that just me?

whatever, who am i kidding. they could slap me around and kick me in the face and i'd still be like CALARTS PLEZ ACCEP ME?

7:16 PM  
Blogger Annie Wang said...

yay communicating through websites, it's like leaving messages on myspace. everybody's gonna be all up in our biznass.

dude, total bitch. i'm sure somehow the admissions ppl will google our names and this conversation will show up. but whatever! if i'm going to be paying 30k a year to go to a school, they better be sucking my d to get me to apply there. but then again, this is calarts. it's almost like chasing after the hot guy you know is a total abusive douchebag. you just want it more. siiighz.

other schools: minneapolis college of art and design and school of visual arts. hhaha that's it. i'm also going to talk to an art center admin counselor for shits and giggles.

nooo i'm probably not going to the audrey kawasaki show. i am in the 2% of the population that kind of hate her. sorry! don't judge me!

11:52 PM  
Blogger Annie Wang said...

HAHAHA re: Audrey. Thank god I'm not the only one. I just don't get it. It's pretty and on wood grain? Dude when is the gallery opening because I might want to go just so we can cower in a corner somewhere talking shit about all her real fans. We B Hatin'.

I think my friend's ex went to MassArts or is it MICA? I have no idea, but damn 20k. Dude no, the cheapest fucking school is Pacific Northwest College. Check it out, 18k a year. 18!!! But the school is kind of booring and unemployment is high in Portland.


1:30 AM  

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